MARK●VU No.1 Facial Analysis system

Korea’s New Generation of Facial Analysis Machine

Adopted 4 LED Light Sources

MARK VU identifies any kinds of invisible problems

Origin: South Korea

MARK●VU is a precision-built facial analysis system equipped with advanced optics to compare the pretreatment and clinical results accurately and rapidly by following the procedure and the use of a multispectral light array – Light Emitting Diodes (LED) as the light source. Multi-directional, multi-color LED lights are more realistic than daylight or “white light”, and more comprehensively cover the entire face compared with any flash or single-tube light source, providing consistent and accurate results from the system.

Instrument Features

  • The system adopted multiple LED arrays to provide ultraviolet (UV) and visible light, with an additional three-dimensional (3D) effect to analyze various components in the skin like pigmentation, pores, roughness, wrinkles, and abnormal blood vessels. You will clearly see the changes and comparisons before and after the treatment through the 2D HD monitor instantly and accurately.

MARK●VU Professional Facial Analysis Machine – How it works?

  • LED technology adopted for light sources
  • High quality precision optics
  • Multiwavelength of LED
  • Multi-functions of facial analysis
  • 4 Types of light sources for facial analysis (UV Light, Polarized Light, General Light & Gloss Light)
  • Advanced UV LED light source: In pigmentation, it can accurately identify the active, potential and problematic pigmentation (melanin) by using UV LED and high-quality light filter. Even latent pigmentation (unoxidized melanin) can be identified, particularly useful in the diagnosis and treatment of melasma.
  • In Acne Vulgaris: The presence of active P. acnes can be confirmed by identifying endogenous porphyrins to establish the treatment techniques effectively.

MARK●VU Real-time and Accurate Facial Analysis

4 Types of light sources for facial analysis


MARK●VU – Multi-functions of software

MARK●VU 影像重疊


MARK●VU – Analysis image

mark-vu Gloss analysis 光澤度分析
mark-vu R&B analysis R&B影像分析
mark-vu Total analysis 分析總結報告

MARK●VU — Comparative analysis image

MARK VU — Comparative analysis image 前後影像比較

Contact Us

Treatment tailored to your needs for flawless skin

Your skin concern(s):
Pigments / FrecklesWrinkles / Fine linesSagging SkinLarge PoresDark circlesUnder Eye bagsOthers
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